What people are saying…


  • At Sunburst, voice sessions are all about YOU! Our Ravenswood studio space is the perfect atmosphere to feel welcome and relaxed about exploring your voice. We chat about goals for the session, do vocal warmups and exercises based on those goals, then work on whatever song/performance goal you have!

  • If you have a specific song, audition cut, etc that you need to work on—by all means, bring it in! If you don’t even know where to start or have no particular “goal”, we’ve got you covered! There are always things to do.

  • NOPE! Our goal is to get you to your freest singing, no matter what genre you fall into. We have clients from all corners of musical styles—from top 40 pop to folk to rap to art song to country to R&B…and that barely scratches the surface.

  • I always suggest you come to sessions, consistently—whatever that means for you. The booking system is first-come-first-served, so look at your budget & you calendar and book sessions that fit into your life with regularity. That’s how you’ll see the most growth.

  • ohhhh yeah! We are well versed in virtual voice sessions! 40% of our client base is located outside of Chicago.